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ONHC Broker
ONHC Broker

ONHC Broker works in synergy with the consultancy companies of the ONHC Group, adopting an innovative approach to risk management, focusing fully on health issues and personal protection.

Insurance brokerage and consultancy

ONHC Broker’s professionals operate by offering Customers a working methodology that combines analysis, consultancy and brokerage. This allows them to build efficient and effective solutions to customers’ risk issues, regarding which we have received a specific mandate to act as brokers.

The traditional insurance brokerage business is integrated with consultancy services .

ONHC Broker offers:

  • Identification of risks and the best related insurance solutions;
  • Brokerage and management of insurance contracts;
  • Constant monitoring of the insurance markets in the interest of our Customers;
  • Claims management also in potential synergy with other specialised companies of the Group.